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- /* $Revision Header built automatically *************** (do not edit) ************
- **
- ** © Copyright by Dirk Federlein
- **
- ** File : Work:programming/dfa/rexx/FiloFaxTeX.dfa
- ** Created on : Dienstag, 25.10.94 21:40:03
- ** Created by : Dirk Federlein
- ** Current revision : V1.2
- **
- **
- ** Purpose
- ** -------
- ** Outputs a special tex formatted file which contains
- ** all selected addresses. The format fits the usual
- ** fileofax pages (size 96x172mm), but should be
- ** used together with dvidvi to make more than 1 page fit
- ** on one page.
- **
- ** Revision V1.2
- ** --------------
- ** created on Dienstag, 25.10.94 22:54:53 by Dirk Federlein. LogMessage :
- ** - Now starts with a new 'page', if a "new" letter begins.
- ** For this a SORTED address file is needed!
- **
- ** Revision V1.1
- ** --------------
- ** created on Dienstag, 25.10.94 22:53:49 by Dirk Federlein. LogMessage :
- ** - Now prints the generated file, so you don't have to
- ** print it manually:-)
- **
- ** Print with:
- **
- ** dvidvi -m 3:0,1(9.5cm,0in),2(19cm,0in) testfilofax.dvi out.dvi
- ** dvips -O0cm,-1cm -t landscape out.dvi
- ** (dviprint works as well, select "landscape ON")
- **
- ** Revision V1.0
- ** --------------
- ** created on Dienstag, 25.10.94 21:40:03 by Dirk Federlein. LogMessage :
- ** --- Initial release ---
- **
- *********************************************************************************/
- tabchar = '09'X
- cr = '0A'X
- TEXFILENAME = "ram:Filofax.tex"
- DVIFILENAME = "ram:Filofax.dvi"
- CONVERTFILENAME = "ram:CFilofax.dvi"
- HEADERNAME = "TeX:templates/FiloFaxAdr.tex"
- TeX = 'Tex:bin/virtex'
- TeXFormat = '&glplain'
- pagelines = 0
- options results
- address command "copy" HEADERNAME TEXFILENAME
- address "DFA"
- if open('exfh', TEXFILENAME ,'A') then
- do
- pageitems = 0
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\addressheader' (cr))
- /*
- * Lock DFA gui
- */
- gui input off output off
- /*
- * Get first address
- */
- /*
- * Keep track of 1st letter of surname
- * for paging...
- */
- CurrentLetter = left(ADR.ADDRESS.2,1)
- LastLetter = left(ADR.ADDRESS.2,1)
- /*
- * Generate .tex file
- */
- do while RC = 0
- /*
- * Begin a new page if the surname starts
- * with a "new" letter
- */
- if (pageitems > 0) & (CurrentLetter ~= LastLetter) then
- do
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\newpage' (cr))
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\addressheader' (cr))
- pageitems = 0
- end
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\addressbox{')
- /*
- * Used address fields are:
- * - first name
- * - surname
- * - street
- * - ZIP
- * - City
- * - Phone
- * - Fax
- * - Comment
- */
- if ADR.ADDRESS.1 ~= "" then
- numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.1||'}{' )
- else
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\ }{')
- if ADR.ADDRESS.2 ~= "" then
- numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.2||'}{')
- else
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\ }{')
- if ADR.ADDRESS.4 ~= "" then
- numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.4||'}{')
- else
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\ }{')
- if ADR.ADDRESS.5 ~= "" then
- numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.5||'}{')
- else
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\ }{')
- if ADR.ADDRESS.6 ~= "" then
- numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.6||'}{')
- else
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\ }{')
- if ADR.ADDRESS.10 ~= "" then
- numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.10||'}{')
- else
- numchars=writech('exfh', '---}{')
- if ADR.ADDRESS.11 ~= "" THEN
- numchars=writech('exfh', ADR.ADDRESS.11||'}{')
- else
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\ }{')
- /*
- * The comment may be up to 50 characters long
- */
- if ADR.ADDRESS.15 ~= "" THEN
- numchars=writech('exfh', left(ADR.ADDRESS.15,50)||'}'||(cr))
- else
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\ }' (cr) )
- /*
- * Up to 6 address items fit on one page
- */
- pageitems = pageitems + 1
- if pageitems = 6 then
- do
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\newpage' (cr))
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\addressheader' (cr))
- pageitems = 0
- end
- next stem adr.
- /*
- * Get 1st letter of the surname
- */
- LastLetter = CurrentLetter
- CurrentLetter = left(ADR.ADDRESS.2,1)
- end
- /*
- * End of document
- */
- numchars=writech('exfh', '\end{document}' (cr))
- /*
- * Reactivate DFA gui
- */
- gui input on output on
- /*
- * Process generated file
- */
- address command TeX TeXFormat TEXFILENAME
- /*
- * Put 3 small pages on one A4 page (landscape needed)
- */
- address command "dvidvi -m 3:0,1(9.5cm,0in),2(19cm,0in) " DVIFILENAME CONVERTFILENAME
- /*
- * Output landscape pages
- */
- address command "dvips -O0cm,-1cm -t landscape " CONVERTFILENAME
- end
- exit